
Make your recruiting Mobile

Sometimes when you are working your business and trying so hard to achieve and maintain Leadership you don't see the things that are slipping away from you and the ways you can actually save time and money. So here are some ideas to help the flow of Leadership work a little smoother.

I tell all Consultants to organize their "Business-in-a-Box". This is crucial in today's busy world and being a Leader makes no difference to the need for both the "Business-in-a-Box" and the "Mobile Recruiting Box". You can find lots more about the "B-in-a-B" for short , on the Networking Gals website but the following is a brief description of how to create your "Mobile Recruiting Box".

As it can be difficult to keep a cardboard box neat and clean I highly recommend that you purchase some small plastic bins that opaque or clear. I found that Canadian Tire had a great selection. Make sure you pick a few not just for the 2 box ideas but also for your office.
You may choose to create a flyer that you can glue runner to the lid so when you look at the top of each small bin you will know right away which bin is which. I suggest that you keep both of these bins in your vehicle so that you are prepared for anything. We are so busy now a days that people do not have the time to commit to things like we use to. You have to have your commercial message (that we spoke about in this blog before) ready to say and you have to have your businesses in a box!

Mobile Business in a Box in brief
- On a slower day you want to photograph every piece of paper you require to briefly explain the business to a possible recruit. Sort, staple as needed and place in your "Mobile Recruiting Box".
- As we have spoken about in this blog, make sure your "Commercial" is both verbal ready and available either in a flyer you make or a cd. Put plenty of copies in your box.
- Ensure that you have Consultant sign up forms and pens in your box.
- If possible make sure you have a few small gifts for prospects or at the very least include magnetic business cards as well as regular business cards and place them all in your box.
- Draw slips are important to have in your box as you may speak to a  person and give him/her a business card but you also need to make sure you can contact them. A great way to get the correct info is to ask them if they would like to enter your draw for free products. Most people can not refuse the idea of receiving free gifts.
- We did not mention cell phones or mobile computers as we believe you would be taking those along anyways. Going to a wifi cafe is a great way to show a possible recruit the website or the Consultant back office.
- If you do not already have you should create a Facebook page where you share info about your business. Then prior (about 2 hours before) your cafe meeting with your possible recruit you could post on your Facebook page about being at this location showing the business if anyone else would like to attend. Advertising your Facebook page to customers is a great way to keep them in the loop and advertise to them about products, etc. without being harassing.

There isn't much to a box such as this but it is extremely important to take it with you ALWAYS! I usually take my box in shopping with me because I almost always end up talking to people who want to know more. If you do not have a child who sits up front then you can take your box too and people may comment or at the very least you can pass the cashier a business card. Remember......

                                            Life is too short..........so go out and Party!

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Recruiting - Choosing your recruit or not?

Call me old school but I highly believe that every recruit is a good recruit and that one should never pre-judge a potential recruit. However, if you are a busy Leader who has a substantial team then perhaps it is time to fine tune your searches!

This can be a bit harder to grasp than it first appears because suddenly in the middle of something that you have been comfortable doing we are going to switch it up. I agree this a lot of new thoughts and new ways of doing things but I hope the list below will help you and also make it a bit easier too.

For starters, you need to determine what is a clear picture of the ideal candidate for you and your team? Well you probably want:
- neat in appearance - organized - intelligent - a people person - a cheery personality - financially capable and able to commit the time needed
Those are some great ideas but let's focus much more directly, such as:
- lives in my neighborhood or not too much farther  - aged 27 - 50  - Females preferred(?)  - has a simple life  - does not have too many children  - energetic  - has morals and integrity  - has something similar to you (IE: works out, loves to sew, very creative or is a soccer mom)(whatever you might think would make both of you find common ground)
I want you to really delve into the reasons you need/want a new recruit and then ask yourself who would you enjoy working with. Naturally you want to find a person who is also looking for you. Someone who needs an extra income, would like to get out of the house a couple of nights a week or who has great business skills and would really excel at this.

The more "Connections" you have with the person the better. No one wants to be sold into selling any product. People want to feel a genuine "I can do that" response and feeling like this is what I was missing!

When you are met with rejection don't follow your head on this because our gut says "WHY?" Why don't they like me or Why would she/he not want to do this. Forget the "Why" and accept the answer as it stands and you know what they may come back to you sooner than you think. It has happened to me, instead of questioning their answer I was completely polite and said "Ok no problem you take care." and I walked away  The person was so impressed with the way I handled the rejection she came back to me only a few weeks later and she signed up. It can happen to you too!! Be respectful and courteous in all that you do and it will come back! Remember...

                                            Life is too short.............so go out and Party!!!




Creating your Commercial

Every time I talk with a Consultant or Leader or Manager I like to ask them for their personal why answer. It seems almost all of them start off with their favorite packed sentence. You know the sentence that tells you in two seconds that they are a direct seller. Such as; "I saw the big picture", "Loved the company and decided that instead of being a Hostess that I would try being a Consultant", "I liked how money I can earn, all the free products and the chance to make new friends". What do all of those sound like to you? Exactly, they sound like a commercial for another product or company!

It is amazing to me that we as Consultants/Leaders manage to recruit at all with statements like those. It is fine to have a commercial but let's look at how to create one people will believe and not tune out right away. Here are some ideas I would like to see all of us put into practice through your verbal demos to a cd or a power point presentation on disk, etc.
- You must move and inspire people - talk from the heart. Be authentic and genuine! For example: instead of saying " I got into it for the money" try saying (if it applies) " With the economy the way it is my hubby and I decided I needed to find a way to make some extra money but also wanted something that would not interfere with looking after my child." "I knew I did not want to sacrifice my time with my child but I also wanted to help out with the bills."
- Talk from a place of intention,  like you knew what you wanted and that this company was it for you.For example, "I knew I could use some time out of the house a night or two a week and when I saw this company I knew it would be perfect for me"
- Give people a chance to ask questions. If you use the Networking Gals "ticket game" then you will have it covered. Get your copy when you become a member of Networking Gals.
- Give them a little tidbit or scoop at the end. Such as, "I'm sure so many of you can relate to my reasons why I joined, so I am offering a special award to everyone who joins with me in the business today. My gift is something the company makes you pay for and it costs ___ but it can be yours right now!" OR " How many guests today are experiencing the difficulties I faced? I would love to help you find some spare cash and if you decide to join today I will give you this (show item)."
- Be positive and real when you talk about your why answer.
- Practice makes perfect so practice your commercial a lot but what ever you do make sure it comes from your heart.
- Not everyone will join after hearing your commercial so ask people to be on the look out for others who would be perfect at this. You may consider offering a cash incentive too!

When you become a Party plan/Direct sales Consultant/Leader it is easy to have those pat answers that the company gives you but there it something to be said for not knowing or using those answers because you will come off a lot more authentic and real. There is no need to go into great detail about your personal strife or challenges but you can hint to the difficulties and how the company helped you get over them. Keep it very positive and never waste peoples time talking about your woes as that is unprofessional. Remember......

                                          Life's too short...................so go out and Party!



A Balancing Act

Leaders have to be so many different people, as you may know. You may be a wife, mother, Consultant, Leader and Business professional, etc. I think that one of the skills that is crucial about management is finding ways to balance all that is required of you. Hopefully, you have a great upline who is helping you manage the load but if you are the upline then I know how hard it is. Here are some tips for all Leaders and Upline Managers;

- Learn to delegate!! = You don't have to be super woman! You need to learn to pass things on to your team managers to do. If you are not doing this then what are you teaching them? You are the head of a team and as we all know there is no "I" in team which means you have to put people into positions:
          + if you need to set up a display of products for the meetings then have a rotating list of all Consultants so they can each take a turn (give everyone ideas on how to do it different too)
          + Make sure that you recommend a Leader (from your downline) to be your co-Manager. There is no recognition for such a position but you would make sure there were great perks like lunches out, free catalogues, etc. It's a great way to mentor a Leader and then in turn have someone whom you share shows with, etc.
-  Organize outings with your team to make work easier. Need photocopying done then phone a couple of Leaders and see if they are doing the same. They can help you sort or staple once their stuff is done.
-  Get your team to each have 3 way calling and then divide up your team and get everyone on the phone for a brief meeting. It's great when everyone is busy because you can do this for a quick topic round robin. (Topic round robin is a way to make decisions about an ideas by sharing it with your team and tossing it around) (IE: offer an idea. How can we make ourselves known to this new neighborhood? make flyers, go door to door, rent a hall close by and get them to come to us, etc.)
- Unite over mundane tasks!= If you all need to get caught up on your laundry consider packing up a few loads and all meeting at a local laundry mat and discussing business between loads OR Line up your team to do their individual shopping at the same store and you can bat ideas back and forth as you shop.
- Create and share a call list across your team. It can help a lot when you are unavailable then your team can ask another member of the team but you can also do the call relay game. The call relay game is where you the Manager calls the first person on the list and challenges that person to find 3 bookings in 30 minutes but before she starts calling her customers she must call the next person on the list with the same challenge and so on. After 30 minutes you start it again by calling your first call and get stats. Then she calls the second and so on and the last person on the list calls you will ALL of the stats.

Sometimes it is a simple as thinking a little outside the box to accomplish what you need to. You need to be creative to keep your team functioning and interested but we will have more on that subject another day. Remember.......

                                  Life is too short......................so go out and Party!

Network Gals is a group for all aspects of Direct Sales and Party Plan sales. Become a member today for access to so much more information than what we cover in our blogs, etc.


Fidning ways to simplify Leadership

Being a Leader can be difficult, time consuming and frustrating but the benefits are huge! To help simplify some of the things Leaders need to do, I have compiled a couple of hints and tips:

- Definitely join Networking Gals Leaders program as it is worth it's weight in gold! Just the free paperwork templates and eBooks are worth it.
- Get organized from the get go and you will make things so much more simpler.
- When you have one recruit try very hard to get them to sign up a recruit along side of them.This will set them on the course of success and it is easier to train two than just one.
- As we have a leader Boot Camp and a Consultant Boot Camp try having a New Consultant boot camp. You can join together with a couple of fellow leaders and do all your training in one massive day.
- When it comes to training of any type consider breaking it down to three easy pieces. Divide new recruits up into three for training, etc. It seems that three's are easy for the brain to learn and to accept and you will have better trained recruits in the end.
- As I mentioned above, join together with another Leader for trainings/meeting to make the burden easier.
- Photocopy all your necessary paperwork well in advance of needing it and you will be ready should you get a run of new recruits. Put the following items into your sponsoring package and you will be organized for anything. Place in a large envelope your Consultant agreement, recruiting brochure, the Networking Gals "New Consultant Handbook for Leaders" and a show order form and a pen. Include anything else you want.
- Start up a photo album or Binder as a brag book and keep copies of your cheques from Head Office, any letter from your upline or Head Office that sounds good, pictures of you at trade shows, pics of Consultants at Conference, etc. Appealing to a new recruit visually can help far more than anything you may say to him/her.

The best advice to being or running your Leadership is to learn how to accept each person for their good and bad traits and have F-U-N!!! Remember.........

                                       Life is too short................so go out and Party!!

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Lead Decisively

Many of us allow our business to lead us or take us where it will. Although this is not a bad thing if you choose to have your business or success be indecisive.

Personally I want my business to be decisive because I want to be a success and I want to maintain my leadership.
If these are things you want then you may need to make your business much more decisive. How can we do that? Here are a few tips:

- perhaps the biggest thing you can do BEFORE you become a leader is make your business and how you operate it duplicateable. Networking Gals offers tons of help on this subject. Some things you can do is make sure that you are duplicateable is do your shows the same way (in the same number of steps for example but vary the content),  organize your office and the way you handle the paperwork in a teachable manner, etc.
Teach yourself and your downline to recruit monthly. Settings goals can be difficult but Network Gals can walk you through it.
- Lead by example. Try to do the same work your downline is attempting. Challenge your downline to beat you.
- Pick your battles = which means choose the areas where you need improvement and seek help in those areas, work harder in those areas and have a friend Consultant attend your shows to critique you when you need it.
- Never think that you know it all even if you have been with the company many years. The manual is frequently updated and you may not be aware of the updates. Read your manual through at least once a year.
- Learn to demonstrate your business in a fun but informative way. See Networking Gals "New Consultant Training Manual" for more advice.

This is just the beginning to this subject. However it is impossible to explain everything in a blog. One tip I tell every new leader, follow your gut. If you feel that the person you are talking to is insincere about the business then chances are it is true. Leadership is an art form, it requires talent to know when to help or not. Lead with your heart and speak the truth and you will not fail but remember........

                                Life's too short...........so go out and Party! 
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Welcome Leaders!!!

Welcome to Networking Gals premier Leader's Blog! The needs of a Leader are special and therefore we decided that you needed a separate blog from our usual blog. We hope that you will be able to find useful information here and be able to comment and share your opinions.

Let's start where leadership begins - Team Leader or 2-5 recruits. So you have recruited a few people and are wondering what to do now. Below are a few basics I believe you should be doing but you can not overwhelm your recruits either. Try to implement these step by step and not all in the first 2 months of business.

- Every new Consultant should have a starter show regardless of what your company requirements. A starter show not only gives the new Consultant a chance to see how you do a show, how to fill out paperwork and answer questions. The most important aspect of a starter show is to gain the most amount of bookings you can get to help your new Consultant off to a good start. Even new Consultants that just got into the biz long enough to pay off the kit will remain in the business longer if they have a very successful beginning. You the leader will do the show and need to offer everything to get the bookings. You will bring your kit but only the items the new Consultant will get in her kit so she can see how you handle it, etc.Offer numerous prizes to bookers and play a couple of booking games too!

- Teach your new Consultant how you do paperwork and how you file/manage paperwork.
- Learn how to do Networking Gals "Lap Binders" and teach your recruits to do this as well because it will save on the expense of paperwork, help the environment and it is a passive way to advertise various points to the customers using them.

- Along with "Lap Binders" you should teach your downline about Networking Gals and the following files: "Ticket Game",  "Squared up", "Calendar Control", "Connect the dots", "Hostess letter", "Quick fix tracker" and many more!!!!

There are tons more things you should be teaching your new Consultant but for now let's start with this. I look forward to hearing from all of you in the future. Remember.....

                                         Life's too short...............so go out and Party!

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