
A Balancing Act

Leaders have to be so many different people, as you may know. You may be a wife, mother, Consultant, Leader and Business professional, etc. I think that one of the skills that is crucial about management is finding ways to balance all that is required of you. Hopefully, you have a great upline who is helping you manage the load but if you are the upline then I know how hard it is. Here are some tips for all Leaders and Upline Managers;

- Learn to delegate!! = You don't have to be super woman! You need to learn to pass things on to your team managers to do. If you are not doing this then what are you teaching them? You are the head of a team and as we all know there is no "I" in team which means you have to put people into positions:
          + if you need to set up a display of products for the meetings then have a rotating list of all Consultants so they can each take a turn (give everyone ideas on how to do it different too)
          + Make sure that you recommend a Leader (from your downline) to be your co-Manager. There is no recognition for such a position but you would make sure there were great perks like lunches out, free catalogues, etc. It's a great way to mentor a Leader and then in turn have someone whom you share shows with, etc.
-  Organize outings with your team to make work easier. Need photocopying done then phone a couple of Leaders and see if they are doing the same. They can help you sort or staple once their stuff is done.
-  Get your team to each have 3 way calling and then divide up your team and get everyone on the phone for a brief meeting. It's great when everyone is busy because you can do this for a quick topic round robin. (Topic round robin is a way to make decisions about an ideas by sharing it with your team and tossing it around) (IE: offer an idea. How can we make ourselves known to this new neighborhood? make flyers, go door to door, rent a hall close by and get them to come to us, etc.)
- Unite over mundane tasks!= If you all need to get caught up on your laundry consider packing up a few loads and all meeting at a local laundry mat and discussing business between loads OR Line up your team to do their individual shopping at the same store and you can bat ideas back and forth as you shop.
- Create and share a call list across your team. It can help a lot when you are unavailable then your team can ask another member of the team but you can also do the call relay game. The call relay game is where you the Manager calls the first person on the list and challenges that person to find 3 bookings in 30 minutes but before she starts calling her customers she must call the next person on the list with the same challenge and so on. After 30 minutes you start it again by calling your first call and get stats. Then she calls the second and so on and the last person on the list calls you will ALL of the stats.

Sometimes it is a simple as thinking a little outside the box to accomplish what you need to. You need to be creative to keep your team functioning and interested but we will have more on that subject another day. Remember.......

                                  Life is too short......................so go out and Party!

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